In the wise words of Harry and Lloyd, "We got no food, no jobs......our PETS HEADS ARE FALLING OFF." (Dumb and Dumber)
I feel like I've hit a small insignificant (in the big picture) run of bad luck lately, and I think of that quote which makes me laugh. It always could be worse. Bentley's head is NOT falling off ;)
Wade is holding on tight in my ever-growing belly. This pregnancy was sailing by, and I was dealing just fine with the aches and growing pains of child growing. Late last week I started experiencing (for lack of better words) a heaviness in my chest, slight palpitations, and a headache. I recognized these symptoms immediately as the same symptoms that lead to my gestational hypertension diagnosis with Cale (which of course, later progressed to pre-ecclampsia). Ugh! So, when Alan got home that evening I had him check my blood pressure. Sure enough, 146/102. Lovely. Needless to say, I'm on blood pressure medication again. This time I'm taking Labetalol. The jury is still out on this one: I guess it does it's job, but I definitely experience some side effects. I'm not necessarily scared or frightened by this situation since we've walked down this road before. I was more-or-less frustrated and defeated by this diagnosis. I totally understand that it's nothing I can help---just my silly, noncompliant body. I was really just wanting things to end differently this pregnancy. I did the normal hormonal, female worrying about this situation, and I think I've got all that silly nonsense out of my system :) I just have to remind myself that God's hand is in this situation and He knows exactly when Wade's birthday will be! We thought Cale was so early and tiny, but look at him now?! So, I will just hunker down these last few weeks, and if Wade's arrival is early, so be it! God is in control and His plans are always THE BEST! :)
So one week into dealing with medication and blood pressure checks, and I wake up one morning with a rash all over the top of my belly, my boobs, and my forearms. It's itchy and annoying. I know there are several rashes associated with pregnancy, so I'm just planning on running this by my physician at our appointment on Tuesday. I'm just trying my best not to aggrevate it or scratch at it excessively. It makes my giant belly really pretty, let me tell ya.
And lastly, in my pathetic sob story, I lost my phone over the weekend. There is no story here, I just got careless and laid it down somewhere. It makes me sick to think about. Honestly, I don't mind being so disconnected from the world or social media, but I think about all my pictures and videos of my guys on there vanishing into thin air :( Blah!
So, in my own words "Got high blood pressure, nasty rash......and NO CELL PHONE FOR FACEBOOK OR INSTAGRAM."