Monday, September 13, 2010

Excuse Me, Taylor Swift?!

I hardly ever go in to the Dollar Tree by my house, but this afternoon the sweetest lil' check-out clerk just made my day! :)  I'll definately be back to see my new friend, next time I'll catch her name.

.....As I was checking out (needed some cheap white plates for my monogramming frenzy), this sweet little store clerk looked at me and smiled (missing a few teeth) saying, "You look a lot like Taylor Swift."

T-A-Y-L-O-R   S-W-I-F-T

Goodness, how that warmed my heart.  Im so tall and skinny, with lucious long blonde curls (**sarcasm**), but its not every day that I get mistaken for Taylor Swift.  Little did she know my complete obsession with the girl! That will probably be the only time in my life that Im compared to Taylor, so it made for a glorious afternoon.



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