Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Big Girl Panties

Thanks for letting me have my pity party last night, I woke up this morning with my big girl panties on :)

I'm so thankful the God I serve has a sense of humor.  I had the most AWFUL pregnancy dream last night, ugh!  It started off with me going to the doctor with some post-operation belly pain.  He informed us that we were pregnant and in LABOR with a full-term delightful, right?! Wrong, terribly wrong.  He made us rush to the hospital, which was a horrible experience.  No one there knew what was going on, the residents were attempting to provide less-than-ideal care, and Alan apparently could've cared less that I was having a baby!  He kept telling me, "I don't care what you name IT." Right before they took me into surgery, two girls wearing hospital scrubs came into my room with some sort of horrendous looking piercing kit "to pierce my girl business."  I questioned them, asking if this was normal procedure, and was informed that "the hospital provides this to their patients so that they come out of surgery looking good and 'still desirable' to their husbands." Ahhhh!! I declined my piercing :)  Anyhow, after I shook off the sleep this morning, I couldn't help but crack a smile.  God is FUNNY! :)  I feel that He gave me that funny/scary situational dream to scare the living daylights out of me about labor. So, officially, I am not ready for childbirth :)

I want to leave you with this video of John Waller's "While I'm Waiting...."  Such a beautiful song, it has ministered to me time and time again.  We all know us ladies are always waiting on something.



The Nolen's said...

Wow. Thanks so much for sharing that song/video - what GREAT lyrics. Sometimes we get so caught up in OUR plans that we forget who is really in control here. We must remember to be obedient, which is of course MUCH easier said than done.

Side note: Do you like that video because it has firetrucks? :)

Lindsi said...

Hahaha!! Funny you should mention that. I did develop a small obsession yesterday--not with the firetrucks BUT with Kirk Cameron. When did he become so good-lookin'?? :) I originally liked the song from the movie Fire Proof, so I had bought the CD.

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