Thursday, March 24, 2011

Confession Time

I'm feeling extra guilty today about my new addiction.
For two days I have sat at my desk at work, unproductively staring at my computer screen playing a stupid, freaking computer game. Seriously. How's that gonna get me employee of the year?

My office mate, Sarah, and I have discovered a new game that shamelessly takes up all of our time at work. It nearly causes us to say bad words--well, Sarah says them. I just make up less profane words that sound equally angry :)  I have played countless times today without a victory. It's like computer game crack or something. I need help. Maybe an intervention.

Blog friends, meet Mah Jong.

Have any of you ever played this?! If so, I'd like some pointers. I feel like I'm strong enough to close this screen--but, not until I freakin' beat the game today! I haven't had a victory since yesterday morning, and Sarah has been a winner in FOUR days. Uggggh! Help us?! Please.



Ashley said...

I love this game too!! If you find this distracting... don't search Mexican Train Dominoes, it is my newest addiction!!

Rebekah said...

Haha I've never heard of that game. You are too funny!

Alexandra Bee Blog said...

i love mah jong!! my newest addiction has been this blogging thing!! please stop by and check out my site!

The Nolen's said...

I love this game too!! I was REALLY hooked to it when I was a baseball manager in highschool. When I was supposed to be working on stats etc. that's what we would be doing in the coaches office :)

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